Life as it happens with a wife, 4 kids, and God weaving His way all through it all.

Friday, June 10, 2005

New place to spew...

Well, I'm making the leap from Live Journal to Blogger. I just really like the feel of Blogger better and the customization options are much better. So, my short-term life on LiveJournal will now find a new beginning here.

Caleb and Jonah have been at a day camp this week at Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ. They have been having a blast and Dina and I have been in amazement at how quiet the house can be with just a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old here. It has been nice to have some time to get a few things done without constantly having to intervene in the struggles of 2 boys that define the words "sibling rivalry".

I had a good breakfast with Gerald this morning and am even more sure about some decisions that we have made for our family in regards to our relationship with our church, Round Rock Chapel. Specifically with regards to the youth and college kids. We want to minister to them in more of an organic fashion. We have lived life with them for the past couple of years and we want to find more ways to disciple them and be a community of faith that has an impact on the community that we live in. Instead of "framing" our events to fit what we think things should look like, we mainly just want to participate in a life lived to glorify Jesus, while surrounding ourselves with the people that are on the journey with us. We want more of a caravan mindset than a commissary. I don't want to provide a "place" that the college kids can come to be fed, but to provide a spiritual journey where we travel together and experience life together. What does that look like? I don't know yet, but we're learning and searching.

As for the job front, 5 days after I signed a contract to leave my own consulting business and become a consultant for another Mac consulting company, I received a notice that they were closing their Texas markets. So, that was a wash. The good news is that I can continue with my business, Macs-Sense, and I might get to inherit the company's client list for Austin. I am also hoping to partner in some form with the two other consultants who were laid off in the DFW area. Time will tell, but I really sense and smell that God has his hands in this pot in some way that we don't understand yet. So, I am again self-employed and needing to find some more customers to grow my business again. Continuing to trust in God to provide for my family's needs...

Well, I guess I'm gonna let this be my first transition post to Blogger from Live Journal and I'll post some more later...


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