Life as it happens with a wife, 4 kids, and God weaving His way all through it all.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sick House

Well, I'm only posting, because my wife posted to hers and she's making me look bad. Heh. I can't think of much to write. I think I need to get over the feeling that I have to write some long intellectual thing to post. I haven't blogged in quite a while, as I just didn't think I had a lot to say. Well, this entry is to change that.

This last week has been slow, as Dina and most of the kids were sick. Dina had strep throat and the kids had the stomach bug. I have mostly hung around the house and taken care of things here. Just when everyone was getting well, Dina got hit hard by the stomach bug last night. So, we're back to Dad cooking again. Fun! More hot dogs, coming up! Good thing our kids are little, or they might rebel.

On the job front, I was in the running for a Youth Ministry job earlier this month, but I didn't get the offer. I am still sending out resumés and trying to discover what God has planned for us. I'm going to the different school districts tomorrow to sign up as a substitute teacher (something I did in Grad School). My friend in Illinois is still trying to get me an interview at State Farm there. But, that would require a move. Who knows? I sure wish things would work out one way or another soon as money is tight again.

Lastly, I'm going to audit an Intro To Hebrew class at Austin Graduate School of Theology this Fall. It starts next Tuesday. I missed Hebrew in all of my college work, so I figured it would be good to get a foundation.

OK, well, that's all for now. Gotta go make some hot dogs...


Blogger Katherine said...

I just started my first year of Hebrew in Graduate school here at ACU last week-it's tough, but I am actually really excited about it!! Good luck-hope your family feels better soon and I wish you all the best on the job hunting-I know how hard that can be!! God bless~

12:33 AM

Blogger Scott Hall said...

Thanks! I think we're finally all getting well.

Yeah, we can feel each other's pain as we submit to the torture. At least mine is not for credit! :-P

8:57 PM


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