Life as it happens with a wife, 4 kids, and God weaving His way all through it all.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Here is a great article from a lecture by Scot McKnight about the four "streams" that form the Emerging Church.

I thought it was a really easy and good read. Some of the stuff that he says about praxis really hit home for me. Like this paragraph:

"The central element of this missional praxis is that the emerging movement is not attractional in its model of the church but is instead missional: that is, it does not invite people to church but instead wanders into the world as the church. It asks its community “How can we help you?” instead of knocking on doors to increase membership. In other words, it becomes a community with open windows and open doors and sees Sunday morning as the opportunity to prepare for a week of service to the community, asking not how many are attending the services but what redemptive traits are we seeing in our community. It wants to embody a life that is other-oriented rather than self-oriented, that is community-directed rather than church-oriented."

I'd like to be a part of a church that does that and then has intentional activities and meetings throughout the week to allow those "redemptive traits" found in our community to shine forth and be practiced in a world that needs to see the love of Jesus from Christians (rather than divisiveness and arguments). It always seems to me like my "church family" on Sunday has nothing to do with the rest of my week. It's like I live two separate lives: Sunday Morning and The Rest Of The Week. :-(


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